Arbor Week | California ReLeaf Connecting People, Trees, & Communities Fri, 01 Sep 2023 21:19:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arbor Week | California ReLeaf 32 32 2023 Arbor Week Press Conference Tue, 07 Mar 2023 23:21:57 +0000

California ReLeaf held an Arbor Week press conference on Tuesday, March 7th, at South Prescott Park in Oakland with our partners, CAL FIRE, USDA Forest Service, Edison International, Blue Shield of California, Common Vision, and Oakland community leaders. Please see the following joint press release below to learn more:
Logos left to right US Forest Service, CAL FIRE, California ReLeaf, Common Vision, Edison International, and Blue Shield of California
Press Release: For Immediate Release
March 7, 2023

CAL FIRE and Partners Celebrate California Arbor Week with Grants

for Tree Planting and Tree Care Educational Events

SACRAMENTO, California – California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), the USDA Forest Service (USFS), and California ReLeaf welcome the support and sponsorship of Edison International and Blue Shield of California to celebrate California Arbor Week, March 7-14, 2023. This year, $50,000 in Arbor Week community tree-planting grants were made possible with Edison’s partnership, while Blue Shield is the new sponsor of the Arbor Week Youth Art Contest. Arbor Week Grants will fund 10 projects organized by community groups and nonprofits who are actively working to make their communities greener, healthier, and stronger with urban trees. CAL FIRE and the USFS are not recipients of these grants. California’s trees matter–especially as we face a changing climate. One way we can build climate-resilient communities is by planting trees. Every tree planted works to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, clean our air and water, cool our neighborhoods, provide habitat for wildlife, connect communities, and support our health and well-being.

A press conference was held on March 7, 2023, at South Prescott Park in Oakland to honor California Arbor Week and the Arbor Week grantees, as well as to unveil the 2023 Arbor Week Youth Art Contest winners. Following the press conference, a ceremonial Arbor Week tree planting was hosted by local urban forest nonprofit Common Vision with other Oakland community partners.

“We believe that a tree is not just a tree, but a symbol of hope, resilience, and community,” remarked Wanda Stewart, Executive Director of Common Vision. “Our nonprofit and community partners are working tirelessly to bring more green spaces to West Oakland because we understand that a thriving urban environment depends on the health and well-being of its residents. By planting trees and promoting urban greening, we are creating a legacy of sustainability and equity for future generations to enjoy.”

Cindy Blain, Executive Director of California ReLeaf, said, “We are thrilled to work with all these great partners to celebrate California Arbor Week in Oakland. Arbor Week is an annual reminder to pause and celebrate the power of our urban trees and the communities that grow and care for them. Trees are a powerful nature-based solution to fight climate change and make a big difference in improving public health in our cities – and that is worth celebrating!”

California ReLeaf, CAL FIRE, and the USFS welcome the support of Edison International and Blue Shield of California in this important recognition of the value of trees. This year Edison International generously donated $50,000 for Arbor Week tree planting grants in their region to help combat extreme heat events in Southern California. Edison and public health officials recognize that extreme heat events greatly impact population health and that trees are vital in
mitigating the urban heat island effect.

“California ReLeaf has the passion and expertise to positively tackle important environmental issues impacting our communities, and Edison International is proud to sponsor the Arbor Week tree planting grants for the fifth consecutive year,” said Alejandro Esparza, Principal Manager of Corporate Philanthropy and Community Engagement for Southern California Edison. “It is important that we continue to raise awareness and address the impacts that climate change has on our daily lives and Arbor Week reminds us that we all can do more to help.”

This year Blue Shield of California is sponsoring the California Arbor Week Youth Poster Contest to help educate and inspire the next generation about the importance of growing and protecting our urban forests. This year’s theme is “Trees Plant a Cooler Future.” The art contest encourages schoolchildren ages 5-12 to think about how trees can help make our communities cooler and healthier. Contest winners were announced, and their artwork was unveiled during the press conference.

“Trees are healthcare,” said Antoinette Mayer, Vice President of Corporate Citizenship at Blue Shield of California. “A robust urban tree canopy improves mental and physical health, combats climate change and pollution, and helps our neighbors build community. But our underserved communities are too often left behind. Blue Shield of California is proud to partner with California ReLeaf to sponsor this year’s California Arbor Week Youth Artist Contest and engage youth in becoming environmental ambassadors to create a more equitable and livable future for all Californians.”

California Arbor Week has the ongoing support of the USFS and CAL FIRE. Both agencies support community tree planting in urban areas of California through grant funding, education, and technical expertise on an ongoing basis.

“The Forest Service is dedicated to sustaining healthy, resilient forests – from our urban centers to our rural towns,” remarked Deputy Regional Forester Kara Chadwick. “We value the many partnerships of those gathering to commemorate Arbor Day and working across our Region to plant and care for trees that offset carbon emissions, improve community health and wellbeing, and nurture climate-resilient forests for future generations.”

Walter Passmore, CAL FIRE’s State Urban Forester, said, “California’s urban trees provide shelter from extreme heat, clean our air, and water, and soothe our minds and bodies. Trees work every day. Arbor Week is a celebration of all trees do for us and a time to plant or care for trees.”

Download the Full Press Release as a PDF

2023 Arbor Week Poster Contest Winners Tue, 07 Mar 2023 20:00:35 +0000

Tree Cheers to our Contest Winners!

Budding artists from all over the state made colorful and joyful posters with the theme of “Trees Plant a Cooler” while learning about the benefits of trees and celebrating our urban forests. The Poster Contest Winners were unveiled during our annual Arbor Week Press Conference which was held in Oakland this year.

Thank you to our 2023 Poster Contest Sponsor – Blue Shield of California, and our USDA Forest Service and CAL FIRE partners, whose support makes this educational program possible.

California Arbor Week Poster Contest Winner Gillian Lee - Children's art featuring a young girl sitting below a tree in the shade and a girl in the background planting a tree with words that read Trees Plant a Cooler Future
Gillian Lee – Thematic Award
California Arbor Week Poster Contest Winner Shanaya Gupta Naturalist Award - children's art featuring a tree and a sun with glasses and words that read Trees Plant a Cooler Future
Shanaya Gupta – Naturalist Award
2023 California Arbor Week Poster Contest Winner Henri Wiedmer featuring children's art of stick figures planting trees.
Henri Wiedmer – Imagination Award
2023 Arbor Week Poster Contest Technique Winner Mikaela-Friedheim
Mikaela Friedheim – Technique Award

Thank You to Our Arbor Week Poster Contest Sponsor

Blue Shield of California Logo
Congratulations to our 2023 Arbor Week Poster Contest Honorable Mentions! Tue, 07 Mar 2023 20:00:28 +0000

Our 2023 Arbor Week Poster Contest asked California kids to ponder how planting trees and caring for trees can help make our communities cooler and healthier places to live. We appreciate all the beautiful entries young artists sent in. Here are the pictures receiving Honorable Mention recognition. Thank you to everyone who made art to honor and celebrate trees! Thank you to Blue Shield of California for your sponsorship of the Poster Contest and the ongoing support of our partners at the USDA Forest Service and CAL FIRE.


Honorable Mention Winners:

California ReLeaf Arbor Week Poster Contest Winner Dylan Wensloff Honorable Mention Award

Dylan Wensloff

California Arbor Week Poster Contest Winner Sadie Eckle artwork

Sadie Eckle

California Arbor Week Poster Contest Honorable Mention Award Winner Uthara Menon's artwork

Uthara Menon

California ReLeaf Arbor Week Poster Contest Honorable Mention Award Olivia Yoon

Oliva Yoon

Thank you to our Arbor Week Sponsor!

Blue Shield of California Logo
California Arbor Week 2023 Grant Award Winners Tue, 24 Jan 2023 00:10:57 +0000 California ReLeaf is delighted to announce this year’s grantees for the California Arbor Week program! We look forward to their celebratory tree planting and tree education events, made possible by the generous sponsorship of Edison International. We also appreciate the ongoing support of CAL FIRE’s Urban & Community Forestry Department and the U.S. Forest Service.School class posing with a newly planted tree

Community Composting for Green Spaces Pomona
Food Exploration and Discovery Monrovia
Highlanders Boxing Club Highland
Puente Latino Association Inc. Long Beach
S.C.R.A.P. Gallery Cathedral City
Second Chance – A Place of Hope San Bernardino
SistersWe San Bernardino
Stanbridge University Irvine
Tule River Parkway Association Porterville
Your Children’s Trees Goleta


Congratulations and Happy California Arbor Week 2023!


Thank you to our 2023 Arbor Week Grant Sponsor

California Arbor Week 2023 Grant Program Mon, 05 Dec 2022 23:14:01 +0000

California Arbor Week Grant - Application Deadline Extended to Friday, January 13th at Noon

California ReLeaf is pleased to announce $50,000 in funding for 2023 California Arbor Week to celebrate the value of trees for all Californians. This program is sponsored by Edison International. Arbor Week celebrations are wonderful community engagement and education events about the importance of trees in promoting community health and combating climate change. Historically, they have provided a great opportunity to engage a wide range of volunteers.

Depending on the COVID-19 impact locally, projects can include in-person events and/or virtual engagement and education (often before the tree planting), and other COVID-safe activities, such as watering and monitoring the trees after planting.

If you are interested in receiving a stipend to celebrate California Arbor Week, please review the criteria and details below

Program Details:

  • Stipends will range from $3,000 – $5,000, estimating 10-12 grants awarded.
  • Project awards must be to organizations with projects within Southern California Edison’s service area.
  • Priority will be given to underserved or low-income communities, neighborhoods with fewer existing trees, as well as communities that have not had recent access to urban forestry funding.
  • 50% of the stipend will be paid upon award announcement, with the remaining 50% upon receipt and approval of your final report.
  • Grant Information Webinar: Watch the recording on our YouTube Channel or scroll down below to view the recording.
  • Grant Applications Due: Extended to Friday, January 13th at Noon. Applications Now Closed.
  • Estimated Grant Award Notifications: January 18, 2023.
  • Project Completion Deadline: May 31, 2023.
  • Final Report Due: June 15, 2023. Read the final report questions. Please note final reports are required to be submitted via our online form.


Eligible Applications:

  • Urban forest nonprofits or community organizations who do tree planting, tree care education, or are interested in adding this to their projects/programs.
  • Must be a 501(c)3 or have/find a fiscal sponsor.
  • Events must occur within the service areas of Southern California Edison. (Map)
  • Projects must be completed by May 31, 2023.
  • Project reports must be completed by June 15, 2023.


Sponsor Engagement & Recognition:

You will be expected to engage with Edison International in order to coordinate California Arbor Week publicity as well as to offer volunteer opportunities for Southern California Edison personnel. You will be expected to recognize Edison International by:

  • Posting their logo on your website and promotional materials as a sponsor for your Arbor Week grant event.
  • Tagging and recognizing them as a sponsor for your Arbor Week project on social media.
  • Offering them time to speak briefly at your celebration event.
  • Thanking them during your celebration event.

Questions? Contact Victoria Vasquez 916.497.0035; grantadmin[at]

Southern California Edison Service Area Map
Map showing the counties that Southern California Edison provides service to








2023 Grant Sponsor

Informational Webinar Recording

2023 Arbor Week Poster Contest Thu, 13 Oct 2022 16:22:52 +0000

Image Showing Children Planting Trees with the words "Trees Plant a Cooler Future, 2023 Arbor Week Poster Contest"

Attention Young Artists:

Each year California kicks off Arbor Week with a poster contest. California Arbor Week is an annual celebration of trees that takes place  March 7 to 14. Across the state, communities honor trees. You can participate too by thinking about the importance of trees and creatively sharing your love and knowledge of them in a piece of art. Any California youth age 5-12  can submit a poster.


This year’s theme is “Trees Plant a Cooler Future.” We want you to think about how trees have the power to make our neighborhoods a cooler place.

Have you ever visited a park on a hot summer day? Walking or playing under the sun’s heat can make us hot, thirsty, and tired. But it can be magically different under the shade of a tree. In fact, on a very hot day, it can be up to 20 degrees cooler in the shade! Trees shade us from direct sunlight and cool us down through the natural air condition they produce when water moves up from the soil through the tree’s roots and evaporates out of the tree’s leaves into the air helping us cool down.

Did you know trees do many cool things beyond providing us shade? Trees purify our air, clean rainwater, provide homes and healthy food for wildlife, take carbon dioxide out of the air and create oxygen for us to breathe. Scientists have also learned trees help humans relax, feel calmer, and even help us do better on schoolwork! Trees can make a big difference in creating healthy communities, which is why it is so important that we plant more trees all over California, especially in communities that don’t have enough tree cover. Together we can plant a cooler future!

Think about how “Trees Plant a Cooler Future” and what that means to you – and then make it into a poster! 


Entries are due Feb 13, 2023. A committee will review all submitted posters and select the statewide finalists. Each winner will receive a cash prize ranging from $25 to $100 as well as a printed copy of their poster. The top winning posters are unveiled at the Arbor Week press conference and will then be on the California ReLeaf and California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) websites and shared via social media channels.

 For more information about Arbor Week please visit, Arbor Week | California ReLeaf


Resources for Grown-ups to share with kids:


Congrats Arbor Week Poster Contest Honorable Mentions! Mon, 14 Mar 2022 20:14:40 +0000 Our 2022 Arbor Week Poster Contest asked California kids to ponder how trees brings us together. We appreciate all the wonderful entries young artists sent in. Here are the pictures receiving Honorable Mention recognition. Thank you to everyone who made art to honor and celebrate trees!

Athena Aguilar – Honorable Mention

Shea Merrill – Honorable Mention

Amelia Huffmaster – Honorable Mention

Jade Wu – Honorable Mention

As always, we appreciate the dedicated partnership of the U.S. Forest Service and CAL FIRE’s Urban & Community Forestry Department whose support makes this educational program possible.

Cheers Arbor Week 2022 Grantees & Sponsors! Fri, 11 Mar 2022 16:06:13 +0000 Mega thanks to our California Arbor Week Grantees and Sponsors!

You can meet several of them in this video and learn a little about the upcoming tree projects
here: Arbor Week 2022 Grantees & Sponsors











Garcia Center for the Arts, San Bernardino
Logos representing Edison, SDGE, California ReLeaf, US Forest Service, and CAL FIRE

Learn About Tree City USA Thu, 10 Mar 2022 18:15:27 +0000 How can your California town become a Tree City USA and why is this good for your community?

CAL FIRE explains the process and the benefits in this video.

Arbor Week 2022 Poster Contest Winners Wed, 09 Mar 2022 21:30:17 +0000 Tree Cheers to this year’s Arbor Week Poster Contest Winners!

Budding artists from all over the state made colorful and joyful posters with the theme of “Trees Bring Us Together” while learning about the benefits of trees and celebrating our urban forests.

The poster contest winners were announced during the virtual week-long celebration of trees on CAL FIRE’s social media platform (here). The winning posters will also be displayed at the California State Capitol this spring.  As always, we appreciate the dedicated partnership of the U.S. Forest Service and CAL FIRE’s Urban & Community Forestry Department whose support makes this educational program possible.

Children smiling and holding hands dancing around a tree

Ryu Kawasaki – Thematic Award Winner

tree with a treehouse and sunshine and words saying "Trees Make Joy!"

Wilson Wu – Naturalist Award Winner

watercolor painting of girl by lake and young people handing in a tree and reading under a tree

Gaohlee Herr – Technique Award Winner

Big tree with gifts underneath and the earth on a hand with mini images of a bird and a birdhouse, hide and seek, a dog and cat, and flowers

Neil Kashyap – Imagination Award Winner
