Grants | California ReLeaf Connecting People, Trees, & Communities Mon, 11 Dec 2023 18:05:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grants | California ReLeaf 32 32 2024 California Arbor Week Grant Program Sponsored by Edison International Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:16:23 +0000


California ReLeaf is pleased to announce $50,000 in funding for 2024 California Arbor Week Grant Program sponsored by Edison International. This grant program is designed to fund urban forest projects to celebrate California Arbor Week and to engage new community-based organizations in tree-planting activities within Southern California Edison’s Service Area (see map).

Arbor Week celebrations are wonderful community engagement and education events about the importance of trees in promoting community health and combating climate change. 

This grant program encourages community-based organizations to plant trees to grow greener, stronger, and healthier neighborhoods, bringing many benefits, including cleaner air, cooler temperatures, and stronger social bonding. 

If you are interested in receiving a grant to celebrate California Arbor Week, please review the criteria and details below. Applications are due December 8, 2023, at 12 p.m. PT. 

Interested applicants are encouraged to watch the California Arbor Week Grant Informational Webinar Recording, which was held on November 15th.


2024 Utility Sponsor

Image of Edison International's logo

Edison Service Area Map

Map showing the counties that Southern California Edison provides service to

2024 Arbor Week Informational Webinar


  • Grants will range from $3,000 – $5,000, estimating 8-10 grants awarded
  • Project awards must be to organizations with projects within the service area of the sponsoring utility: Southern California Edison.  (See map
  • Priority will be given to underserved or low-income communities, neighborhoods with fewer existing trees, as well as communities that have not had recent access to urban forestry funding.



  • Community-based organizations who do tree planting, tree care education, or are interested in adding this to their projects/programs.
  • Must be a 501(c)(3) or have/find a fiscal sponsor and be in good standing with the California Attorney General Office’s Registry of Charitable Organizations.
  • Events/projects must occur within the service area of the sponsoring utility: Southern California Edison. (See map
  • Projects must be able to be completed by Friday, May 31, 2024.
  • Project reports must be submitted by Friday, June 14, 2024.



  • Planting shade trees and caring for trees in underserved low-shade communities.
  • Projects that are community-oriented with a big-picture vision addressing local issues or needs through tree planting (climate resilience, pollution mitigation, food insecurity, extreme heat/urban heat island effect, youth educational training, etc.)
  • Tree planting/care events(s) and/or community greening celebration(s) that have an educational component, including sharing about the benefits of trees and tree care (especially ongoing watering in the tree establishment period – the first 3 years after planting).
  • Projects that engage multiple local partners, including but not limited to civic organizations, local businesses, health organizations, nonprofits, city officials, schools, students, elected officials, and organizational volunteers.
  • Tree planting/care event(s) during California Arbor Week (March 7 -14) or other established community celebrations or gatherings.
  • Sharing California ReLeaf’s Arbor Week Youth Poster Contest with your community/local schools/youth encouraging participation.
  • Tree care post planting – including ongoing maintenance and watering beyond the grant period to ensure tree survival.
  • Inviting Edison International representatives and corporate volunteers to your tree planting/care event(s) to participate and be recognized and thanked publicly.
  • Inviting local media and elected officials to your event to share broadly how your tree planting project/ event(s) benefits the local community (i.e. climate action, community resilience, cooling neighborhoods, air pollution mitigation, food access, public health, etc.)



  • Tree giveaways as the main component of the project.
  • Planting trees in temporary planter boxes/pots. (All trees must be planted in the ground to be an eligible project.)
  • Tree Planting/Care/Educational Event(s) outside the Edison service area.
  • Planting tree seedlings. Trees are expected to be 5-gallon or 15-gallon container-sized for all tree planting projects.



You are required to engage and recognize Edison International as your grant sponsor, including:

  • Posting their logo on your website and promotional materials as a sponsor for your Arbor Week Grant event.
  • Inviting Edison representatives and corporate volunteers to attend, participate, and be recognized and thanked publicly as your grant sponsor during your event/project.
  • Tagging and recognizing Edison as a sponsor for your Arbor Week project on social media.
  • Offering Edison Representatives time to speak briefly at your celebration event.
  • Thanking Edison International during your celebration event.



  • Grant Informational Webinar: Wednesday, November 15th, at 11 a.m. Watch the Webinar Recording.
  • Grant Applications Due: December 8th, 12 p.m. 
  • Estimated Grant Award Notifications: January 10, 2024
  • A representative from California ReLeaf will contact applicants via email. The formal public announcement will be on our website and social media in January.
  • Anticipated Mandatory Grant Orientation for Awardees Webinar: January 17, 2024
  • Project Completion Deadline: May 31, 2024.
  • Final Report Due: June 15, 2024. Read Final Report Questions



  • Awarded grantees will receive 50% of the grant award after completion of the grant agreement and orientation.
  • The remaining 50% of the grant will be paid upon receipt and approval of your final report.


QUESTIONS? Contact Victoria Vasquez 916.497.0035; grantadmin[at]

2024 Growing Green Communities Grant Program Sponsored by PG&E Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:00:57 +0000


California ReLeaf is pleased to announce $45,000 in funding for the Growing Green Communities grant program sponsored by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). This grant program is designed to fund urban forest projects and to engage new community-based organizations in tree-planting activities within PG&E’s five service regions (see map). This grant program encourages community-based organizations to plant trees to grow greener, stronger, and healthier neighborhoods, bringing many benefits, including cleaner air, cooler temperatures, and stronger social bonding. 

Tree planting events are wonderful community engagement and education events about the importance of trees in promoting community health and combating climate change. We invite you to apply to host a tree-planting project in your community. 

If you are interested in applying for a Growing Green Communities grant, please review the criteria and details below. Applications are due December 8, 2023, at 12 p.m. PT and must be submitted through our online application form.

Interested applicants are encouraged to watch our Growing Green Communities Informational Webinar Recording, which was hosted on November 15.


Pacific Gas and Electric Company Logo

PG&E Service Area Map

An Image of the PG&E Five Services Regions

Informational Webinar Recording



  • Grants will range from $3,000 – $5,000, estimating 8-10 grants awarded
  • Project awards must be to organizations with projects within one of the five PG&E service regions. We look forward to granting projects in all five regions. (See map)
  • Priority will be given to underserved or low-income communities, neighborhoods with fewer existing trees, as well as communities that have not had recent access to urban forestry funding.



  • Community-based organizations who do tree planting, tree care education, or are interested in adding this to their projects/programs.
  • Must be a 501(c)(3) or have/find a fiscal sponsor and be in good standing with the California Attorney General Office’s Registry of Charitable Organizations
  • Events must occur within one of the five service areas of the sponsoring utility: Pacific Gas & Electric. (See map
  • Projects must be able to be completed by Friday, May 31, 2024.
  • Project reports must be submitted by Friday, June 14, 2024.



  • Plant trees and care for trees in underserved low-shade communities.
  • Tree planting/care events(s) and/or community greening celebration(s) that have an educational component, including the benefits of trees and the importance of tree care (especially ongoing watering in the tree establishment period – the first 3 years after planting).
  • Projects that engage multiple local partners, including but not limited to civic organizations, local businesses, health organizations, nonprofits, city officials, schools, students, elected officials, and organizational volunteers.
  • Tree care post planting – including ongoing maintenance and watering beyond the grant period to ensure tree survival.
  • Inviting PG&E representatives and corporate volunteers to your tree planting/care event(s) to participate and be recognized and thanked publicly. 
  • Invite local media and elected officials to your event to share broadly how your tree planting project/ event(s) benefits the local community (i.e. climate action, community resilience, cooling neighborhoods, air pollution mitigation, food access, public health, etc.)



  • Tree giveaways as the main component of the project.
  • Planting tree seedlings. Trees are expected to be 5-gallon or 15-gallon container-sized for all tree planting projects.
  • Planting trees in temporary planter boxes/pots. All trees must be planted in the ground to be an eligible project.
  • Tree Planting/Care/Educational Event(s) outside the PG&E service area.



Recognition and engagement of PG&E as the sponsor of your event(s)/project is required, including:

    • Engaging with PG&E, inviting them to your event(s) to be recognized.
    • Offering volunteer opportunities for PG&E personnel at your event(s).
    • Posting their logo on your website and or flyers as your grant sponsor.
    • Including their logo in your social media graphics, recognizing them as your sponsor.
    • Thanking them during your tree event(s).


  • Grant Information Webinar: Wednesday, November 15th, 1 p.m. Watch the Recording
  • Grant Applications Due: December 8th, 12 p.m. and must be submitted through our online application form.
  • Estimated Grant Award Notifications: January 10, 2024
    • A representative from California ReLeaf will contact applicants via email. The formal public announcement will be on our website and social media in early January.
  • Anticipated Grant Orientation for Awardees Webinar: January 17, 2024.
  • Project Completion Deadline: May 31, 2024.
  • Final Report Due: June 14, 2024. Read Final Report Questions



  • Awarded grantees will receive 50% of the grant award after completion of the grant agreement and orientation.
  • The remaining 50% of the grant funding will be paid upon receipt and approval of your final report.


QUESTIONS? Contact Victoria Vasquez 916.497.0035; grantadmin[at]


Inflation Reduction Act Urban and Community Forestry Program Funding Opportunity: Resources and Webinars Mon, 24 Apr 2023 22:45:23 +0000 An aerial image of a city with trees with words that read USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Grants - Resources and Webinars





The USDA Forest Service released its Urban & Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants – Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on April 12th. Application Deadline: June 1, 2023 by 8:59 Pacific Time/ 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Award notifications will be announced by October 1, 2023.

National IRA Grant Resources

UCF IRA NOFO General Training Webinars

  • USDA Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program will host a series of two webinars will review how to use the online application portal and application requirements. These webinars will be recorded and put on the portal website afterward.
  • CAUFC Hosted Webinar with Miranda Hutten from the USDA Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Region

Tutorial Videos

Pacific Southwest Regional Resources

Contact Information

  • For grant opportunity assistance and questions, contact:
  • For technical assistance with the online Grant Portal and for help uploading .pdf files, contact:
Update on the USDA Forest Service’s UCF Grant Funding Opportunity under the IRA – Public Notice of Funding Opportunity Coming in Early April 2023 Wed, 29 Mar 2023 22:32:34 +0000 Logo of USDA Forest Service and words that read IRA Funded Urban & Community Forestry Grants - Federal Funding Opportunity

The White House Council on Environmental Quality held a virtual briefing about the USDA Forest Service’s UCF Grant Funding Opportunity on Wednesday, March 29th at 12 p.m. PT. During the briefing, Beattra Wilson, who is the USDA Forest Services’ Assistant Director of Urban and Community Forestry, State, Private and Tribal Forestry Deputy Chief Area, provided a preview of the USDA Forest Services UCF Grant Funding Opportunity under the Inflation Reduction Act. Please see the summary of her presentation below. 

IRA Funding Summary

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) dedicated $1.5 billion to the USDA Forest Service’s UCF Program to remain available until September 30, 2031, “for tree planting and related activities,” with a priority for projects that benefit underserved populations and areas [IRA Section 23003(a)(2)].

Public Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) – To Be Released Early April 2023

How Funds will be Distributed: Funds will be distributed through the USDA Forest Service’s UCF Program in the form of competitive direct grants, cooperative agreements, and technical assistance. Information about the NOFO will be posted on the USDA Forest Service’s UCF webpage.

Range: The funding opportunity is open to proposals spanning a broad range of costs from eligible entities working at a community, regional and national scale.

  • Minimum Funding: $100,000
  • Maximum Federal Funding limit is $50,000,000
  • All funding agreements will be for a period of 5 years.

Match: All federal grant funds are to be matched at least equally (dollar for dollar with non-federal match.)

  • Match-waivers are available for proposals that deliver 100% of the funding/program benefits to disadvantaged communities.


  • State government entity
  • Local government entity
  • Agency or governmental entity of the District of Columbia
  • Federally Recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations/villages, and Tribal organizations
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Public and State-controlled institutions of higher education
  • Community-based organizations
  • Agency or governmental entity of an insular area
    • Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Federal States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Virgin Islands

Proposal Selection Criteria

  • Alignment with Justice40, Congressional, State Forest Action Plan, and Ten-Year National Urban and Community Forest Plan priorities
  • Technical merit
  • Capability and capacity to carry out the proposed work within the grant period
  • Measurable results or outcomes
  • Budget and cost-effectiveness
  • Additional information about these selection criteria, as well as what information is required for applications, can be found in the Notice of Funding Opportunity that will be posted on the USDA Forest Services UCF Page in early April 2023.

How to Apply for Funding

  • Proposals will be submitted through a web-based application portal.
  • Once released in early April, applicant materials can be found by going to and search for the grant opportunity number USDA-FS-2023-UCF-IRA-01.
  • Technical assistance will be available for applicants, including in the form of:
    • Pre-Award Guide
    • Application Checklist
    • Navigation Guide
    • Recorded Webinars
  • USDA Forest Service will also award funding to Dedicated Pass-Through Funders to ease administrative barriers, award funds quickly, and extend outreach and engagement activities to recruit most locally in disadvantaged communities.

Key Milestones Timeline

  • UCF IRA Public Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) – early April 2023
  • Funding Opportunity Closes – end of May 2023
  • FY 2023 Award Announcement – Summer 2023

Additional Resources:


Growing Green Communities 2023 Grant Award Winners Tue, 24 Jan 2023 23:03:49 +0000 California ReLeaf is thrilled to announce this year’s grantees for the 2023 Growing Green Communities Grant! We look forward to their tree planting and tree education events, made possible by the generous sponsorship of Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E). We also appreciate the ongoing support of CAL FIRE’s Urban & Community Forestry Department and the U.S. Forest Service.

  • McKinley Elementary PTA, Petaluma
  • Del Paso Heights Growers’ Alliance, Sacramento
  • Common Vision, Oakland
  • Pardee Home Museum, Inc., Oakland
  • Urban Montessori, Oakland
  • Our City Forest, San Jose
  • Little Manila Rising, Stockton
  • Tracy Tree Foundation, Tracy


Thank you to our 2023 Growing Green Communities Grant Sponsor

California Arbor Week 2023 Grant Award Winners Tue, 24 Jan 2023 00:10:57 +0000 California ReLeaf is delighted to announce this year’s grantees for the California Arbor Week program! We look forward to their celebratory tree planting and tree education events, made possible by the generous sponsorship of Edison International. We also appreciate the ongoing support of CAL FIRE’s Urban & Community Forestry Department and the U.S. Forest Service.School class posing with a newly planted tree

Community Composting for Green Spaces Pomona
Food Exploration and Discovery Monrovia
Highlanders Boxing Club Highland
Puente Latino Association Inc. Long Beach
S.C.R.A.P. Gallery Cathedral City
Second Chance – A Place of Hope San Bernardino
SistersWe San Bernardino
Stanbridge University Irvine
Tule River Parkway Association Porterville
Your Children’s Trees Goleta


Congratulations and Happy California Arbor Week 2023!


Thank you to our 2023 Arbor Week Grant Sponsor

Growing Green Communities 2023 Grant Program Tue, 06 Dec 2022 16:41:01 +0000

Growing Green Communities Grant - Applications Now Due Friday Jan. 13th at NoonCalifornia ReLeaf is pleased to announce $40,000 in funding for the Growing Green Communities grant program sponsored by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). This grant is an urban forest incubator grant to engage new community-based organizations in tree-planting activities within PG&E’s five service regions. This grant program encourages community-based organizations to plant trees as a way to grow greener, stronger, and healthier neighborhoods, bringing many benefits, including cleaner air, cooler temperatures, and stronger social bonding. 

Tree planting events are wonderful community engagement and education events about the importance of trees in promoting community health and combating climate change. We invite you to apply to host a tree-planting project in your community. Depending on the COVID-19 impact locally, projects can include in-person events and/or virtual engagement and education (often before the tree planting), and other COVID-safe activities, such as watering and monitoring the trees after planting.

If you are interested in applying for a Growing Green Communities grant stipend, please review the criteria and details below

Program Details:

  • Stipends will range from $3,000 – $5,000, estimating 8-10 grants awarded
  • Project awards must be to organizations with projects within one of the five PG&E service regions. We look forward to granting projects in all five regions. (See map)
  • Priority will be given to underserved or low-income communities, neighborhoods with fewer existing trees, as well as communities that have not had recent access to urban forestry funding.
  • 50% of the stipend will be paid upon award announcement, with the remaining 50% upon receipt and approval of your final report.
  • Grant Information Webinar: Watch the recording on our YouTube channel or scroll down below to view the recording.
  • Grant Applications Due: Extended to Friday, January 13th at Noon. Applications are now closed.
  • Estimated Grant Award Notifications: January 18, 2023.
  • Project Completion Deadline: May 31, 2023.
  • Final Report Due: June 15, 2023. Final report questions. Please note final reports are required to be submitted via our online form.


Eligible Applications:

  • Community-based organizations who do tree planting, tree care education, or are interested in adding this to their projects/programs.
  • Must be a 501(c)(3) or have/find a fiscal sponsor.
  • Events must occur within one of the five service areas of the sponsoring utility: Pacific Gas & Electric. (See map
  • Projects must be able to be completed by May 31, 2023.
  • Project reports must be submitted by June 15, 2023.


Sponsor Engagement & Recognition:

Recognition and engagement of PG&E as the sponsor of your event is optional, depending on your organization’s sponsor recognition policy. If your policy allows, ways to recognize and engage PG&E could include:

  • engaging with PG&E in order to coordinate Growing Green Communities publicity.
  • offering volunteer opportunities for PG&E personnel.
  • posting their logo on your website.
  • including their logo in your social media.
  • recognizing sponsorship in social media post content. 
  • thanking them during your tree event.

Questions? Contact Victoria Vasquez 916.497.0035; grantadmin[at]

PG&E Service Region Map

An Image of the PG&E Five Services Regions

















2023 Grant Sponsor

Informational Webinar Recording

California Arbor Week 2023 Grant Program Mon, 05 Dec 2022 23:14:01 +0000

California Arbor Week Grant - Application Deadline Extended to Friday, January 13th at Noon

California ReLeaf is pleased to announce $50,000 in funding for 2023 California Arbor Week to celebrate the value of trees for all Californians. This program is sponsored by Edison International. Arbor Week celebrations are wonderful community engagement and education events about the importance of trees in promoting community health and combating climate change. Historically, they have provided a great opportunity to engage a wide range of volunteers.

Depending on the COVID-19 impact locally, projects can include in-person events and/or virtual engagement and education (often before the tree planting), and other COVID-safe activities, such as watering and monitoring the trees after planting.

If you are interested in receiving a stipend to celebrate California Arbor Week, please review the criteria and details below

Program Details:

  • Stipends will range from $3,000 – $5,000, estimating 10-12 grants awarded.
  • Project awards must be to organizations with projects within Southern California Edison’s service area.
  • Priority will be given to underserved or low-income communities, neighborhoods with fewer existing trees, as well as communities that have not had recent access to urban forestry funding.
  • 50% of the stipend will be paid upon award announcement, with the remaining 50% upon receipt and approval of your final report.
  • Grant Information Webinar: Watch the recording on our YouTube Channel or scroll down below to view the recording.
  • Grant Applications Due: Extended to Friday, January 13th at Noon. Applications Now Closed.
  • Estimated Grant Award Notifications: January 18, 2023.
  • Project Completion Deadline: May 31, 2023.
  • Final Report Due: June 15, 2023. Read the final report questions. Please note final reports are required to be submitted via our online form.


Eligible Applications:

  • Urban forest nonprofits or community organizations who do tree planting, tree care education, or are interested in adding this to their projects/programs.
  • Must be a 501(c)3 or have/find a fiscal sponsor.
  • Events must occur within the service areas of Southern California Edison. (Map)
  • Projects must be completed by May 31, 2023.
  • Project reports must be completed by June 15, 2023.


Sponsor Engagement & Recognition:

You will be expected to engage with Edison International in order to coordinate California Arbor Week publicity as well as to offer volunteer opportunities for Southern California Edison personnel. You will be expected to recognize Edison International by:

  • Posting their logo on your website and promotional materials as a sponsor for your Arbor Week grant event.
  • Tagging and recognizing them as a sponsor for your Arbor Week project on social media.
  • Offering them time to speak briefly at your celebration event.
  • Thanking them during your celebration event.

Questions? Contact Victoria Vasquez 916.497.0035; grantadmin[at]

Southern California Edison Service Area Map
Map showing the counties that Southern California Edison provides service to








2023 Grant Sponsor

Informational Webinar Recording

Announcing Treecovery Cycle 2 Grantees Thu, 30 Jun 2022 22:37:05 +0000 Congratulations to the following organizations who have been selected to receive grants from the Treecovery Grant Program, Cycle 2:

  • Butte Environmental Council
  • Calipatria Chamber of Commerce
  • CityTrees
  • ReLeaf Petaluma
  • TreePeople
  • Trees for Oakland

Thank you for your dedication to California’s urban forests and for making our communities greener, cooler, and healthier.

Cheers Arbor Week 2022 Grantees & Sponsors! Fri, 11 Mar 2022 16:06:13 +0000 Mega thanks to our California Arbor Week Grantees and Sponsors!

You can meet several of them in this video and learn a little about the upcoming tree projects
here: Arbor Week 2022 Grantees & Sponsors











Garcia Center for the Arts, San Bernardino
Logos representing Edison, SDGE, California ReLeaf, US Forest Service, and CAL FIRE
